這個部落格將重新出發,並定位為House&Home Blog,所謂的House,我們看一下Google的字典看看:
『a building for people to live in, usually for one family 房屋;房子;住宅』看起來是硬體的東西,但是通常又用在一家人所住的建築。
『all the people living in a house 住在一所房子裏的人;全家人』,喔,這裡已經指家裡的所有人,從這裡看又有點軟體的感覺。
『a building used for a particular purpose, for example for holding meetings in or keeping animals or goods in 某種用途的建築物』,有時候又表示是動物或物品存放的建築,那不就是狗窩之類的,或是倉庫這樣的用法嗎?
『used in the names of office buildings (用於辦公樓名稱)大廈,大樓』,傳統英文,我發誓我沒這樣用過。
『a company involved in a particular kind of business; an institution of a particular kind (從事某種生意的)公司,機構』,竟然也可以表示為公司,從沒用過的ㄚ琪,只能搖頭。
『a restaurant 餐館;餐廳』,哇,餐廳可以用house表示,那麼我可以在這多寫一些餐廳了。
『a group of people who meet to discuss and make the laws of a country 議院;議會;國會』,立法院的事應該也可以寫寫。
『the House of Commons or the House of Lords in Britain; the House of Representatives in the US (英國)下議院,上議院;(美國)眾議院』,英國跟美國我不熟,倒是很想去看看。
『a group of people discussing something in a formal debate (統稱)參與辯論的人』,也是指到人。
『the part of a theatre where the audience sits; the audience at a particular performance 觀眾席;(統稱)觀眾 』,再次提到人。
『an organized group of students of different ages who may live in the same building and who compete against other groups in sports competitions, etc. 舍,社(學生按宿舍或其他原則分成的組別,為方便進行體育比賽等)』,這是指宿舍嗎?
『an old and famous family 名門世家;望族』,最近的英國皇室到是很熱鬧。
『house music』是一種音樂。
『to provide a place for somebody to live 給(某人)提供住處』,也可以作為動詞。
『to be the place where something is kept or where something operates from 是(某物)的貯藏處(或安置處);收藏;安置』,我也很熱心可以提供我的住處來安頓我的朋友。
『the house or flat/apartment that you live in, especially with your family 家;住所』,很簡單常用的就是家了。
『a house or flat/apartment, etc., when you think of it as property that can be bought and sold (可買賣的)房子,住宅,寓所』,好像跟House 一樣。
『the town, district, country, etc. that you come from, or where you are living and that you feel you belong to 家鄉;故鄉;定居地』,故鄉的使用,寫寫高雄的事倒是不錯。
『used to refer to a family living together, and the way it behaves 家庭』,家庭也沒問題。
『a place where people who cannot care for themselves live and are cared for by others 養老院;養育院』,養育院我也有一些認識的。
『a place where pets with no owner are looked after 收養所』,人安基金會應該也算吧。
『the place where a plant or animal usually lives; the place where somebody/something can be found 生息地;棲息地;產地』
『the place where something was first discovered, made or invented 發源地;發祥地』
『connected with the place where you live 家的;家庭的』
『made or used at home 在家裏做的;家用的』
『connected with your own country rather than foreign countries 本國的;國內的』
『to or at the place where you live 到家;向家;在家』有家可回真好
『into the correct position 到正確的位置』
『to aim at something and move straight towards it 朝向,移向,導向(目標)』
『to direct your thoughts or attention towards something 把(思想、注意力)集中於』